Camping at The Dark Sky Park

There are thirty campsites & a sanitary dump station. They all include a picnic table, light lantern hanger and the fire ring. The campground is open from the second Friday in April and closes in November. Pets are prohibited in the campground. Cherry Springs State Park is just about as remote, isolated, private, removed and wild […]

Dark Sky Telescope Workshop this Friday

Get more out of your own telescope! Dust it off and bring it out for a night under the stars. OR Find out what to look for when purchasing a telescope or accessories and try out a park telescope! Please note, this program is designed for advance learning and actual operation of telescopes. We recommend ages […]

Number One Thing to do on Tripadvisor in Coudersport, Pa

Cherry Springs State Park is rated the number one thing to do in Coudersport Pa on Tripadvisor. Coudersdport, the gateway to Cherry Springs is also the county seat of Potter County Pa. All of you needed amenities can be found in Coudersport, from places to stay, food, fuel etc. ,

Cherry Springs Star Party Program – June 22nd – 25th

The Harrisburg Astronomical Society will hold their annual star party at Cherry Springs State Park. From Thursday June 22 – June 25th. Public Viewing is welcome Saturday evening from 8pm to 11pm.  Here is their website for more information –  Cherry Springs Star Party

Nightscapes Photography Workshop – Curt Weinhold

Photograph the starry night sky with your DSLR camera & lenses you currently own. Curt Weinhold, a PA Wilds Juried Artisan, teaches you to photograph constellations & the Milky Way. Foreground material, as trees or buildings may also add to the composition. Samples of work online: Some photo gear essential to this would include a digital camera which […]

Firefly Frenzy June 17 8:30pm at Cherry Springs State Park

Join park staff at the Night Sky Viewing Area for a close up look at the amazing insects that have fascinated us for ages: fireflies! Discover how and why these beetles light up the sky during a short discussion. Explore the night sky of Cherry Springs in search of fireflies. This program is designed for all […]

Notable Celestial Events for 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis diam tortor, rutrum sed tristique et, dignissim vitae dui. Nulla sit amet leo hendrerit ligula luctus rutrum ut eu ipsum. Nunc feugiat cursus massa vitae rhoncus. Sed et erat nisl. Cras iaculis leo ex, ut congue sapien faucibus vel. Sed vitae placerat nisi. Pellentesque vestibulum ligula […]

Full Moon Hike Saturday June 10 at 8pm

Explore the Working Forest Trail on a short, but rewarding interpretive hike. Discover the history of the forest surrounding Cherry Springs State Park. Learn about local widlife and why dark skies are so important! Pre-registration is required to attend this Program and spaces are limited. The hike will begin before dusk while the moon is […]

Friday & Saturday June 16 & 17 -Night Sky Tour – Jupiter and the Maiden

Experience the beauty of the night sky, highlighting our constellations, including virgo, and the planet Jupiter. Observe the constellations through a laser-guided tour conducted by park staff. Listen as we recount the legends and myths surrounding these mysterious patterns in the sky. Following the program the park will have telescopes available for an up close look […]

Great Day Hikes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis diam tortor, rutrum sed tristique et, dignissim vitae dui. Nulla sit amet leo hendrerit ligula luctus rutrum ut eu ipsum. Nunc feugiat cursus massa vitae rhoncus. Sed et erat nisl. Cras iaculis leo ex, ut congue sapien faucibus vel. Sed vitae placerat nisi. Pellentesque vestibulum ligula […]

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