Austin Dam Ruins

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis diam tortor, rutrum sed tristique et, dignissim vitae dui. Nulla sit amet leo hendrerit ligula luctus rutrum ut eu ipsum. Nunc feugiat cursus massa vitae rhoncus. Sed et erat nisl. Cras iaculis leo ex, ut congue sapien faucibus vel. Sed vitae placerat nisi. Pellentesque vestibulum ligula […]
Friday & Saturday June 16 & 17 -Night Sky Tour – Jupiter and the Maiden

Experience the beauty of the night sky, highlighting our constellations, including virgo, and the planet Jupiter. Observe the constellations through a laser-guided tour conducted by park staff. Listen as we recount the legends and myths surrounding these mysterious patterns in the sky. Following the program the park will have telescopes available for an up close look […]
Sky Events for January in Cherry Springs State Park

From our Friend Dave Mtsky -January Sky Events All times are UT (subtract five hours, and one calendar day when appropriate, for EST) 1/1 The Moon is 1.3 degrees north of Venus at 22:00 1/2 Mercury is at the descending node through the ecliptic plane at 0:00; Mars crosses north of the celestial equator […]
October Celestial Calendar by Dave Mitsky

October Celestial Calendar by Dave Mitsky All times, unless otherwise noted, are UT (subtract four hours and, when appropriate, one calendar day for EDT) 10/1 The Moon is 3.5 degrees south of the bright open cluster M35 in Gemini at 22:00 10/2 Last Quarter Moon occurs at 9:45 10/3 The Curtiss Cross, an X-shaped illumination […]
Cherry Springs Star Party-Public Viewing Sat June 16 – 8pm

The Cherry Springs Star Party is coming up. Thursday June 14 through Sunday June 17. Although registration is currently closed The Public Viewing Time is Saturday June 16 from 8pm. Cherry Springs State Park is well known around the world for it’s exceptional dark skies and we hope you’ll enjoy them with us at the […]
Crystal Spheres – Private Star Gazing Tours -Cherry Springs State Park

Cherry Springs State Park and Stash Nawrocki, Astronomer, provides the ultimate stargazing experience here in Coudersport Potter County. During your visit to nearby Cherry Springs State Park, he’ll give you a new understanding of the universe and heavens above when you spend an evening with him. Your tour of The Dark Sky will include a […]

New moon arriving March 17th. The temps are up and the rates are off season. A perfect time for a getaway. Hope to see you soon.